Monday, October 5, 2020

Complaint of Human Rights and Science Violation to the United Nations

Human Rights Council 
Complaint Procedure Form


Complaint Procedure Unit
Human Rights Council Branch
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11

I. Information concerning the author (s) of the communication or the alleged victim (s) if other than the author

Individual YES
Last Name: Silva
First Name: Elson
Nationality: Brazilian
On the author’s own behalf:  YES

II. Information on the State concerned

Name of the State concerned and, as applicable, name of public authorities responsible for the alleged violation(s): …………..

I have being violated on my human rights by the Brazilian Government on job harassment and in the United States of America by a consistent conspiracy of reinvention in the patenting system ignoring Intellectual Property Rights and the fundamentals of Science.

Science and scientists must be respected fully, to guide humans down the line pursuing a required balance with Mother Nature.

Man started respecting nature as babies to tame GRAVITY on the first steps to walk. When gravity is ignored on missteps a fall is a consequence for the negligence by a straight punishment. Science deals with the functioning of Nature and must be complied with. Rain falls from the sky, recharges the landscape draining toward the ocean in a WATER CYCLE that cannot be challenged.

This last ongoing pandemic outcome provides deep insights about screening the countries that are respecting science acting decisively to protect their citizens. Today we can state that more than a million of human lives around the world were wasted needlessly to SARS-CoV-2. This was supposed to be a few thousands, like in China where it started, having no previous understanding about this ongoing situation. In addition, Vietnam, Uruguay and New Zealand are among the best ones to tackle the danger of this pandemic with minimum losses of their citizens.

III. Facts of the complaint and nature of the alleged violation(s)

The complaint procedure addresses consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.

My family was threatened, my job was taken, my first daughter was taken away illegally without my awareness, and my science grounded on an American patent (US 6,766,817) is being shamefully and negligently violated, by government officials, scientists, faculties and Lawyers.

I have exhaustively more than two decades tried to pursue a ‘scientific discovery’ regarding fluid movement on porosity enough to support a new science I called simply HYDROTECNOLOGY.

My deep scientific perception is that there is an ongoing competition between KNOWLEDGE x POWER. The dynamic principle is that ‘less and less intelligent people are receiving more and more power deeply compromising human endeavors on poor decision making, undoubtedly taking place world widely’.

I am a highly educated Brazilian Scientist that got PhD in the US. Then, president Bill Clinton was in my commencement releasing his first speech for reelection on May 10, 1996. I have three children and two of them were born in the US during my doctorate. This missing daughter was born 3 months before my marriage and her revelation came forward more than three decades later. I have four diplomas in Agricultural Sciences. I was dumped by the Brazilian Government in two years after coming back home even receiving precious high education with honors abroad to help my country and my science.

I ran a marathon during my master degree in Animal Nutrition at UFRGS in Porto Alegre, RS just after 6 months I started jogging. Healthy lifestyles are so important that I ran two half-marathons during my doctorate in the US. I consider this the most important achievement in my entire life. I am creating a new science simply because I bumped to a sort of scientific and technological gap big enough to bring HYDROGEOLOGY, the principles to artificial porosity so important on fluid devices that started by stone age man around 70,000 years ago developing oil lamps. The geometry of porosity can be modeled longitudinally as the functioning of Hydraulic Zones on Hydrodynamics principles goes far beyond oil lamps.

IV. Exhaustion of domestic remedies

1- Steps taken by or on behalf of the alleged victim(s) to exhaust domestic remedies– please provide details on the procedures which have been pursued, including recourse to the courts and other public authorities as well as national human rights institutions[1], the claims made, at which times, and what the outcome was:


2- If domestic remedies have not been exhausted on grounds that their application would be ineffective or unreasonably prolonged, please explain the reasons in detail:


Ignoring Nature and Violation of Science

Science reveals the Laws of NatureLawyers handle the Laws of Man.

‘Henry Darcy proposed Darcy’s Law in 1856 about Hydraulic Conductivity and afterwards in 1907 Edgard Buckingham proposed a change in the equation to describe Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (Soil Physics, Jury et al., 1991, John Wiley). It has been observed that many lay inventors employing the terminology ‘wick/wicking neither understand the functioning of oil lamps nor Hydrogeology, concerning the functioning of Hydraulic Zones. They come up with blatant scientific flaws as wicks only have negative hydraulic flow (unsaturated) under a vertical gradient. The Hydraulic Conductivity measures the amount of fluid (cm3) moving across an area (cm2) over time (s) responding to a hydraulic gradient, pressure or suction, expressed as cm3/cm2/s or simply cm/s.’

The science of fluids through porosity Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Soil Physics has no single quotation on a word ‘wick/wicking’..


WITHOUT TEXTBOOKS, there is no language, or even communication!

During two decades, I have continuously checked the outcome of my ‘scientific breakthrough’ proposing an upgrade to capillarity grabbing deep functioning of the patenting system. Reinvention by US government pressures inventors to quit or bear steep suing charges only tenable by very wealthy parties. I had two American Patenting Attorney partners that quit my project alleging that there in the US not even a SCIENTIFIC BREAKTROUGH can succeed on poor hands. I felt challenged about it, and now the losses by the pandemic shows how much Americans can harm themselves by turning their back to SCIENCE. Worse yet, dragging others countries like Brazil in the same misleading trend. How can I complain about my personal life if more than 350 thousands Americans and Brazilians had their lives wasted shamefully, some of them in young ages? I could raised my family alone, but beyond that I must get support if my science can stand by its principles.


I got PhD in Soil Science at the Penn State University as my thesis was about the Hydrology of the Amazon Basin. I developed a sturdy non-parametric statistics and GIS techniques addressing wisely dry and wet seasons associated to the vegetation distribution, anomalies, and water budget. This line of work should continue and improve to tackle the issue of Amazon burning nowadays deeply associated to water cycle dynamics. It is important a precise scientific approach to guide the future of Amazon, where its subtle vulnerability still harbor uncontacted humans culturally separated for more than 10 thousand years having no idea about clothes, salt, credit card, electricity, etc. Nevertheless, the natives can handle fire and have ZERO OBESITY IN A PERFECT BALANCE WITH NATURE.

After returning to Brazil in 1996, I was job harassed, my family was threatened, and I was fired in less than two years.

Six months earlier I had bumped to this ‘scientific breakthrough’, as to alleviate the depression I started helping my wife at home watering her African Violets. A simple technique of flooding and draining improved it making the plants bloom bountifully. Then, I used self-watering cords that I realized later to be plastic fibers that could be a permanent stable interface to connect hydraulic zones, saturate (+) and unsaturated (-). I had to run around three thousands experiments for five years gauging precisely the claims of a new science.

Six months later after being fired I was in the cover of Ciência e Cultura Vol. 51 (Journal of the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science), about nutrient dynamics from the crops to human nutrition.

Predatory Mining is building up a menace to the landscape starting in a rainy Brazilian landscape.

Modern mining can grind mountains quickly as a mining truck nowadays can haul in a single trip up to 500 t of rock.

Solid rocks after grinding lose its mechanical support and can flow downhill like the disasters taking place in Brazil at Mariana e Brumadinho. I sent three letters early 2019 suggesting the Brazilian President to set a National Security Bill forbidding permanently the use of reject mining dams. The mining residue must be disposed safely like returning to the mining pits. As a PhD in Soil Science, I must say that mining reject does not behave like natural soils that developed high natural porosity and permeability. Ground rock residue can absorb water like a sponge until it burst into tragedies. This issue must be addressed deeply because of a high and continuous demand for metal ores by grinding mountains, building up a menace on mined landscapes world widely. Bounty rainy places like Minas Gerais State in Brazil is prone to have earlier environmental disasters as ground rock does not become soil easily, since soil genesis is a very different approach taking thousands or millions of years on the weathering of rock and soil infiltration.

This issue will be addressed now, or after it get worse as mining operation is a strong continuous process.

Terrifying moment of Brazil dam collapse
Drone footage showing the damage       
Running uphill as fast as you can go      

I also sent two letters later 2019 to the Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission pledging help to force Brazilians and Americans to respect Science.

It seems that this new pandemic is testing leadership and governments by hitting hard many countries that ignore science.

While man spoil and ransack natural resources, MOTHER NATURE replies with a tiny thing called SARS-Cov-2 to ground humans at home for a brainstorming about  our lifestyles neglecting NATURE FUNCTIONING.

IMPORTANT INSIGHTS: There is an ongoing BIOLOGICAL WAR in nature molding biodiversity.

Moving further from the tropics biodiversity decreases as lower temperatures constrains proliferation of microorganisms in the wintertime. This way, sequoia and conifers became dominant plants over large area of lands. While in the Amazon rainforest in the constant warm temperatures, protection comes from distancing and intercalation of members of the same species. No single species prevailed there as distancing was a surviving rule. In the last century, many projects in Amazon failed trying to crop rubber trees closer because of a proliferation of leaf blight fungi disease. Therefore, this pandemic can be just a brawl with nature as the vaccine might be a temporary truce. Understanding such insights would provide guidance down the line on human affairs.

I cannot be a HERO SCIENTIST since I worked 22 years making no money to raise my family of three kids. My wife as an elementary teacher is the perfect hero providing income to raise our family

 V. Submission of communication to other human rights bodies

1- Have you already submitted the same matter to a special procedure, a treaty body or other United Nations or similar regional complaint procedures in the field of human rights?


2- If so, detail which procedure has been, or is being pursued, which claims have been made, at which times, and the current status of the complaint before this body:



VI. Request for confidentiality

In case the communication complies with the admissibility criteria set forth in Council resolution 5/1, kindly note that it will be transmitted to the State concerned so as to obtain the views of the latter on the allegations of violations.

Please state whether you would like your identity or any specific information contained in the complaint to be kept confidential.

Request for confidentiality (Please tick as appropriate):          Yes                     No  X

Please indicate which information you would like to be kept confidential

As a scientist, I must believe in science and a better functioning of society. So, the best strategy to bring my claims forward is playing by openness and total transparency. As showed in the postings and videos at Youtube, all my claims and related information can be verified easily.

Then I state that my story and my name are open to disclosure and transparency.

The United Nations have the chance of an important opportunity right now to work globally and wisely bringing a broad human perception toward science compliance and the critical goals of pursuing balance with Mother Nature.

There is an ongoing theory of Neurogenesis implying that body activity increasing blood flow at the cerebellum would provide more memory and better mood. This theory is inverted, meaning that increasing obesity levels and sedentary lifestyles are inducing reduction on brain capacity, so man is becoming less intelligent and grumpier.

Balance with nature must comply on curbing obesity, sedentary lifestyles, distancing and respect to SCIENCE.

I am not superstitious man and I have some ideas about the origin of religions. In the long past raising boys to die on defense or offense of human increasing communities was the background of faith and beliefs. I like Nature as it writes no books, promise no lands, ask no wars in its name, but just a loyal balance to the principles. This hummingbird in this video below made a nest right in the spot where I created a new science of life that will give high support on human endeavors, because it is highly associated to the principles of life. I am aware that Alfred Nobel got wealthy developing explosive helping more efficient wars as a father of dynamite. He killed his brother in an accident with explosives and he left no heirs. Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, was guillotine beheaded by the French Revolution at the age of 51 in 1794. Alberto Santos Dumont one of the aviation pioneers hanged himself at the age of 58 in 1932 depressed and disappointed that his scientific breakthrough was initially developed by armies during world wars as a transport for throwing lots of bombs from the skies decimating millions of humans. Afterwards, airplanes became more useful and peaceful, even nowadays it is the carrier of SARS-CoV-2 flying at 500 mph contaminating the world in 48 hrs.

Personally, I have no important care for wealth or money. My family was raised and my children finished college even not having any reward from my scientific hardship.

How much the world can help itself fixing its functioning? SARS-CoV-2 provides a chance for deep and broad brainstorming!

As a scientist I am curious about the intrinsic value of an American Patent US 6,766,817 as a foundation of a new science Hydrotechnology. Who cares?

Is it just a trash or something to be honored and valued?

I need to have my job back as well as my American patents respected and rewarded so I can deliver important upgrade of Hydrology principles to human affairs helping to mold a better future to generations to come.


I am available to discuss my claims and provide further details and documents as requested.


Kind regards,


Date: …04-10-2020…                                             Signature: ……… …………….


Elson Silva, Ph. D.
Av. Dr. Júlio Soares de Arruda, 838
Parque São Quirino
CEP 13088-300 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
Phone 55 *19 3256-7265

p.s. This letter is published on my postings for transparency

[1] National human rights institutions, established and operating under the Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions (the Paris Principles), in particular in regard to quasi-judicial competence, may serve as effective means of addressing individual human rights violations.

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